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January, 2014

Pictures taken during a day visiting labour camps in the desert in Sharjah, one of the emirates that makes up the UAE. These are the men who are building Dubai. They are driven by bus from the camps - about 30km into the desert - to Dubai each day. The camps are primitive. The men  live five or six to a room and cook in a small communal kitchen. They wash outside and there seems little to do in the way of entertainment. 

Sharjah labour camp, UAE

Worker on his bike at labour camp in the desert, Sharjah, UAE

Sharjah labour camp, UAE

Workers at labour camp in Sharjah, UAE

Sharjah labour camp, UAE

Aerial view of labour camp, Sharjah, UAE

Sharjah labour camp, UAE

Rice cooker in communal kitchen of labour camp, Sharjah, UAE

Sharjah labour camp, UAE

Workers in cramped dormitory at labour camp, Sharjah, UAE

Sharjah labour camp, UAE

Workers in cramped dormitory at labour camp, Sharjah, UAE

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