October, 2015
One of the great things about Dubai is that the rules - in some respects - are so relaxed they're virtually non-existent. Fashion Forward is Dubai's equivalent of London Fashion Week - a chance for local designers to strut their stuff. I was desperate to shoot backstage at a parade, but assumed I had little chance. I was wrong. The organisers were happy to accommodate me and whisked me into the backstage area. There was just one rule: don't photograph models when they're getting changed. Fair enough. There were several fashion photographers already there with big dslrs and flashes. That made sense because they were there to capture the clothes. I had my Leica M8 at the time - how I miss that camera - and shot using available light. The results were quite eerie. Stern-faced models pictured just minutes before they walked onto the catwalk. The designers - two Lebanese men - were also there cajoling the models and their dressers.